On arrival at the Dog Boarding by staff, each day all kennels and ground areas must be searched for any unusual material and the made sure that the complex is of good security.
Staff may commence cleaning, play, and training duties. All gates to the kennels must be closed at all time and bolted at the end of the day by the Boarding manager.
The allocated Boarding manager is responsible for checking the kennels, pens, fencing, and gates.
At the Boarding there is no smoking policy whether in the kennels, office, play area or training grounds. The whole premise is a nonsmoking area. No unauthorized visitors are allowed in the kennel, play area, or training grounds without approval from the Boarding manager.
Any dog that requires veterinary assistance must notify the kennel manager immediately, the kennel manager will make appointments and transport of the dog to the vets. No staff is allowed to book or take a dog to the vets unless it is for an emergency.
All cleaning of dogs must use disinfectant, the training grounds and play area must be cleaned after each use by staff and dogs. All waste found in the kennels shall be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. If staffs enter an area that is padlocked, they are to ensure upon departure of that area that the padlock is locked.
All staff will wear the uniform provided that is clean and pressed and are to conduct themselves in a manner that is professional, polite, and friendly. Name badges are to be worn at all times, Shoes are to be of good repair and clean.
Dog training sheets and statistics will be filled in each day. These sheets are found on the door of the kennel.